Sunday, 26 June 2022
ELT Department says a fond Farewell to its department Coordinator
Friday, 24 June 2022
College of Education- ELT Department led by the head of the department, Miss Bekhal B K, organizes a BOOK READING CAMPAIGN for the Summer Holiday 2022. The underlying purpose is to improve the learning level and promote the reading skills among the students. students who are interested in participating can visit the department starting from Sunday, 25th to Wednesday, June 29th to borrow the book(s) they like to read. At the beginning of the academic year in October, the participants will deliver a short presentation on the book(s) that they have read and the student with the best presentation will be rewarded.
Pioneering Alumna Skala Chosen as First Woman to Lead Middle East Peace and Security Forum
Our alumna, Skala, has made remarkable strides since joining K24 channel two years ago. Her dedication, skill, and professionalism in medi...
Today, March 3, 2024,. The head of the department, Miss Bekahl B K, Mrs. Maysaa and Mr Ahmed were continuing their visit to see more stude...
Our Education final year students took their graduation pictures with their teachers today, April 30th, 2024. By taking these pictures, st...
This time our blog is so special that is why I would like to say it is with great pleasure that we bring you our latest blog post- A day th...