Friday, 17 February 2023


 On Wednesday, February 15, 2023, the college of Education- ELT department organised an inspiring exhibition of student artwork on the university’s campus. The students gave an explanation of their artwork, including the process they utilised to produce it, their motivations, and the materials they used.

Here are some photos of the event:

Bekhal High School for Girls Paid a Visit to the College of Education

   Today, Tuesday, February 14, 2023, students from Bekhal High School for Girls paid a visit to our college to have a scientific tour of the department.  For that reason, they were warmly welcomed by Mis Bekhal B K , HOD, she gave them some information regarding the department and explained the skills they need to get a BA degree in Education. 

Here are some photos of today's event:

The Role of English Language in the Labor Market

 Tomorrow 18-2-2023 the College of Education in cooperation with Ratford College will hold a national workshop under that title: 

"The Role of English Language in the Labor Market"  

for KNU students of all colleges in the conference hall/Education Building at 12:30 pm.

All are welcome.

Keynote speakers:

                                              Mr Coonor (Business English Trainer )                                

                                                           Mr Zana (Admin Adminstrator)


Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Art Exhibition 2023

 You are kindly invited by the College of Education to the Art Exhibition on Wednesday 15th February 2023 at 1:00 pm.  

Monday, 13 February 2023

Primary school students paid a visit to the college of Education

 Today, Monday, February 13, 2023, Primary school students paid a visit to our college to have a scientific tour of the department.  For that reason, they were warmly welcomed by Dr Fuad Rasheed , the department coordinator. He gave them some information regarding the department. 

Here are some photos of today's event:

Sunday, 12 February 2023

Zheen High School for Girls Paid a Visit to the College of Education

  Today, Sunday, February 12, 2023, students from Zheen High School for Girls paid a visit to our college to have a scientific tour of the department.  For that reason, they were warmly welcomed by Mrs Maysaa and Miss Valan, ELT Faculty members. They gave them some information regarding the department and explained the skills they need to get a BA degree in Education. 

Here are some photos of today's event:

Saturday, 11 February 2023

Chess for Beginners - Learn Chess Strategy From Scratch 20-2-2023

There are many tried-and-true concepts and tactics for becoming a competent chess player because the game is so old and popular. The College of Education has a one-day training course on Monday 20th February 2023 in the College of Education Building  - Second floor at 10:00 pm to help you hone your skills, regardless of whether you’re interested in improving your offensive or defensive abilities.

All are welcome!

Saturday, 4 February 2023

Congratulations on Earning PhD

 One of the highest degrees one may earn is a doctorate. A doctorate is more than just a degree; it represents the pinnacle of achievement in the academic world.

Here is the HOD's congratulatory message to Dr Faud: 

"I am really proud of Dr Faud, since he is one of the few people who has the talent, commitment, and desire necessary to earn this degree. It merely demonstrates his tenacity and commitment to his studies.

 I am as the HOD want to sincerely and proudly congratulate him on receiving his doctorate. Just after hearing this wonderful news from himself this morning.  I congratulate him and wish him more and more success in life."  


Miss Bekhal B K 


Wednesday, 1 February 2023


 Posters are one of the most famous and widely used means in colleges to convey messages to their students.   ELT department will have this tool for the first time in order to help its students to boost their knowledge.  Here are the rules and regulations for making a poster:

1-The poster should be one meter long and one meter wide. 

2-Material matters!

3-Design matters (it should include no less than 4 pictures)

4- It should be informative. 

5-It can be about different themes like literature, language and teaching. 

6-It can be individual or team participation (but no more than 4 students)

7-Winners will be rewarded with an exciting gift and certificate.

8-Posters will be hung on the wall. 

9-Exhibition day will be  25th February 2023.